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Sabine Braeuninger (2019).jpg

"Unconventional / Contemporary / Process"

are possible keywords for my design approach.

As internationally experienced senior fashion designer I have a passionate interest in the translation of creative processes and ideas into high quality fashion garments.

I see fashion as an expression of personality, openness to the world and personal luxury, integrating or reflecting on our Zeitgeist.

Awareness and focus on the design process within an overall conceptual and intuitive vision can produce a more personal creative outcome.




MA-Fashion Design (Womenswear) / Central Saint Martins, UAL, UK (2001)

BA-Fashion Design (Womenswear) / Winchester School of Art  University of Southampton, UK (1998/1st class)

Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg

Fachbereich Gestaltung/Mode-Design (Zwischenprüfungszeugnis 1995)

Abitur / Major Subjects: French and Art / Gymnasium Eppingen & Theodor Heuss Gymnasium Heilbronn (1992)



Design Studio Hussein Chalayan /London (1998)

Design Studio Robert Cary-Williams /London (2000)


Assistant Designer to Kostas Murkudis  / Staff International/

New York Industry, IT (2002)

Assistant Designer to Roy Krejberg and Peachoo Datwani / Peachoo+Krejberg, Paris (2008)



NEW-GEN Sponsorship Award by British Fashion Council & TopShop for Customers own Property ,London, UK (2005)

German Finalist at Smirnoff International Fashion Award /

Frankfurt ,GER  (1999)

I was the Creative Director and Design Director of my own fashion- label CUSTOMERS OWN PROPERTY, based in London.


More recently after the closure of my company, I traveled in Asia and eventually lived for 2 years in Shanghai, where I worked as a Senior Fashion Design Lecturer at Raffles Design Institute Shanghai. (2014-2016)





1. Legal Notices

Thank you for visiting our Web site ( hereinafter the " Customers own Property Web site " )created by Sabine Braeuninger on

By visiting this site you unconditionally accept the conditions set out below .Our Web site exclusively serves as an online portfolio with archive pictures of Customers own Property only .You are not authorised to download , print , copy , store , manipulate , reformat , display , publish , transmit , distribute , create dispatch , or otherwise use any of its content for commercial purposes. As described at the Web site section " about" , the label name " Customers own Property " refers to the process of buying , the journey of the product to the customer and his/her adaptation and integration of the product to their wardrobe choices. However intellectual property rights concerning the presented products and images of the products displayed on our Web site still apply according to the set out conditions on this legal notices .


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