( group exhibition Hamburg 2002 at kinnijoe space )
The group exhibition brought together a UK based group of visual artists , painters and fashion designers to present their work in Hamburg at kinnijoe space. Sabine Braeuninger exhibited a primarily concept based piece in form of an installation. The fashion creation process is visualised as a game , a "Fashion Design Kit" . It is reminiscent of a board game , that leads the player through the creative journey. The throw of the dice directs the position and if placed on specific fields, the player has to follow the instruction cards related to the position. Two different piles of cards give instructions on cut, actions and materials . An unexpected approach and creative improvisation is encouraged. The outcome of the "design" process is determined by the game and stops when the player hits the finishing field. The installation relates to Fluxus art pieces of the sixties and John Cages music compositions created with the I Ging chance operations.
